群肯有限公司专业代理Thermik熱保護器,Thermik特密是一家来自德国的可靠熱保護器品牌。 Thermik熱保護器卓越品质成为全球同业领导者,其产品系列包含S01、S06、L01、C06等,電流由1.6A~75A & 溫度60℃~250℃多种熱保護器。
Thermik温控开关 – Thermal-Protectors – Standard Products
Amperage from 1.6 A to 7.5 A
Series F1
Series F2
Series 01
Series 02
Series K1
Series Z1
Series P1
Series W1
Approvals / Licenses
VDE according to EN 60730
CQC according toGB 14536
UL according to UL 2111 / UL 873
CSA according to C22.2
CB-Report according to IEC 60730
ENEC according to EN 60730
CMJ according to JET
Automatic functionality as per IEC/EN 60730 -1: 2BM/2CM
Existing norm appendices for
IEC/EN 60730: -1; -2-3; -2-9
B = Micro cutoff
C = Micro interruption
2 = Defi ned manufacturing variation and drift
Thermik products correspond to the respectively applicable EU directives/guidelines.

Thermik温控开关 – Thermal-Protectors – Standard Products
Amperage from 4 A to 25 A
Series 05
Series 09
Approvals/LicensesSeries Q5
Series 06
C06 / S06 / B06 / F06 / C06HT / S06HT / L06 / P06 / H06 / V06
Series 08
C08 / S08 / L08 / P08 / H08 / V08
Series Y6
Series YH
Series R6
VDE according to EN 60730
CQC according to GB 14536
UL according to UL 2111 / UL 873
CSA according to C22.2
CB-Report according to IEC 60730
ENEC according to EN 60730
Automatic functionality as per IEC/EN 60730 -1: 2BM/2CM
Existing norm appendices forIEC/EN 60730: -1; -2-3; -2-9
B = Micro cutoff
C = Micro interruption
2 = Defined manufacturing variation and drift
Thermik products correspond to the respectively applicable EU directives/guidelines.

Thermik温控开关 – Thermal-Protectors – Standard Products
Amperage from 13.5 A to 60 A
Series H6
Series RH
VDE according to EN 60730
CQC according to GB 14536
UL according to UL 2111 / UL 873
CSA according to C22.2
CB-Report according to IEC 60730
ENEC according to EN 60730
Automatic functionality as per IEC/EN 60730 -1:
Existing norm appendices forIEC/EN 60730: -1; -2-2; -2-9
B = Micro cutoff
C = Micro interruption
2 = Defined manufacturing variation and drift
Thermik products correspond to the respectively applicable EU directives/guidelines..
